Oct 16, 2014 - Communication    No Comments

Act 2 scene 3

Character: Romeo, Friar Laurence.

setting: Friar Laurence’s cell

Events: Friar laurence is persuaded to  marry Romeo and Juliet. Friar says that romeo was probably having fun with rosalind the night before… Romeo states that he was with another girl from the foes side; Juliet.  Friar delivers a speech about how plants and herbs have potential to be healing.

Quote: ” thy love did read by rote, that could not spell. But come, young waverer, come go with me, in one respect I’ll thy assistant be:

for this alliance may so happy prove to turn your households’ rancour to pure love.” Friar Laurence.

This is a short scene… But it has some key points.  Romeo seems to let out a lot of enotion when he is alone with Friar. This is probably because the Friar is closest to God from all of the characters…

Romeo is leaded by God, which makes God the creator or controller of the story. This is a factor of Romeo and Juliet which is shown through Romeo’s soliliquiys.


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